Who we are

Flow is a language learning app powered by the lastest and greatest in artificial intelligence! We take a practical apporach to learning English by providing a learning environment centered around real world English language content such as:

  • Video Content: YouTube videos and shorts
  • News: BBC, CNN, Reuters, and many more
  • Blogs: Instagram, The Verge, Mashable, and many more

We believe that in order to be successful in learning a second language, you must learn the langauge the way it's spoken by native speakers (not through contrived content in textbooks). Moreover in order to stay motivated you must learn from content which is interesting for you! If you like fashion, learn from fashion blogs, if you're a foodie, learn from recipes...

Making real world English language content accessible to learners

We understand that learning English from real world content can be a daunting task. Real world content is often longer, and scattered with complex vocabulary and idioms. Flow helps by:

  • Extracting and explaining complex vocabulary, grammar structure and idioms from real world content
  • Providing you with soundbites and translations back to your native language
  • Assessing the difficulty of the content upfront so you can decided what's right for you

And by getting learners used to learning English how it's spoken by native speakers, we facilaite an accelerated and more enjoyable language learning process.

Don't think your understand, know you understand!

Language is often subtle, with the addition of a single word or the position of a comma often completely changing the meaning of a sentence...think "Eats Shoots & Leaves".

Flow provides learners will a comprehension test to truely assess their understanding of the content of individuals lessons.

  • Combination of multiple choice and open-ended querstions
  • Track your progress over time within in-app analytics
  • See your results against your language learning peers

Make the most of a huge catelog of learning materials

To progress in any language, expose to critical. We have a continuously growing collection of learning materials to suit people at all different stages of their journey

  • Search our catalog based on difficulty level or key words
  • Save lessons to come back and learn them later

Never get bored!

We know that fluency is not attained overnight and that language learning is a long journey; staying motivate is critical to success. We you let dictate what you want to learn from.

  • Interested in fashion? Learn from your favourite Style Guru on Instagram
  • Die-hard NBA fan? Learn from latest basketball highlights on YouTube
  • Self-proclaimed geek? Learn from great publication like New Scientist or MIT Tech Review

Learn from real-content

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Download Today

Flow is currently available on iOS. Download from the App Store today!

What users are saying about us

The Flow mobile app has been a game-changer for me, providing access to learning materials that are perfectly tailored to my level!



Flow's user-friendly interface and intuitive functions provide me with the flexibility to learn English at my own pace outside my work, making my learning journey more efficient!



Flow`s Bring-Your-Own-Content allows me curate materials that captivate and engage me, which is very different to the traditional textbook learning experience!



Frequently Asked Questions

  • At the moment we limit the number of lessons each user can create to 3 per day. We're currently working on a subscription model which will give subscribed users unlimited access to generate learning content - as well as some other super cool features!

  • Flow is currently only available in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but we plan to gradually roll-out the app to more countries and regions in the not too distant future!

  • Currently Flow is only available on iOS, but we are actively developing an Andriod version which will be released soon

  • Absolutely! But since we leverage content from the public internet we'd still recommend adult supervision when selecting appropriate content for children to learn from.